Intimate life and its quality directly depend on the diameter and volume of the penis. If his size is insufficient, a man begins to suffer from an inferiority complex, which affects relations with the fair sex.
In modern medicine, several methods have been proposed on how to increase the diameter of the penis, while maintaining its normal activity.

Surgical intervention
How to increase the thickness of the penis, the surgeon will tell you. This can be achieved by the method of surgical intervention, during which tissues are transferred from another area of the body and implanted under the skin of the genital organ.
For example, biological material is often used - subcutaneous fatty tissue from the gluteal region. In this case it is possible to increase the diameter of the column by a few centimeters.
The doctor inserts the resulting tissue under the skin along its entire length. In simple terms, the abutment is "wrapped" with the epidermis of another area of the body. In the places where the skin was taken, stitches are applied, which are almost invisible (by the intradermal method).
If you want to increase the diameter of the penis by more than 1 cm, then another surgery is performed - microsurgery. In this case, it is not the skin that is transferred, but the muscle tissue.
Such an operation is more difficult than the previous one, has a longer duration and a long rehabilitation period.

After any surgery, the risk of developing negative consequences increases. Additionally, surgical procedures are performed on the thin skin of the penis, where the blood vessels are located near the epidermis.
One of the complications is tuberosity. Other consequences include bleeding in the exposure area, prolonged swelling of the operated section.
Temporarily or permanently, the sensitivity of the head decreases, the pain syndrome that occurs after an erection often joins.
Among the late negative consequences - shortening of the spine, alteration of the angle of ejaculation, "unstable" penis during intercourse, necrosis of the inserted tissue (muscle or subcutaneous fat). Not an exception: erectile dysfunction, trunk deformation. Also, men are not always happy with the result.

What average diameter a member should be depends on the state in which it is located. For example, at rest it is 8. 5-9 cm, in an excited state - 10-10. 5.
To increase performance, you can use drugs purchased in specialized stores or at a pharmacy. These are released in the form of an ointment, cream, gel, tablet, dietary supplement.
It is difficult to say which remedy will be the most effective. The following factors affect the level of efficiency:
- how therapy is performed regularly;
- what are the individual characteristics of the body, are there concomitant diseases and contraindications to taking the drug;
- what is the original size of the penis;
- how high-quality is the intake of the drug by humans;
- what lifestyle a person adheres to, how he eats, if he has bad habits.
So how to make your penis thicker at home? Chinese-made tablets will come to the rescue. By their nature, they are organic supplements with ginseng root, Chinese lemongrass, hawthorn, goat grass.
Such components help to increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which causes swelling and enlargement of the penis after taking the medicine. Some of the herbs are excellent for reproductive function by helping to increase sperm motility.
In addition, Chinese herbal preparations improve potency, increase erection resistance, sexual stamina and strengthen general immunity. Despite the effectiveness, the funds are equipped with poorly studied additives, which, when used incorrectly, cause side symptoms.
To increase the diameter of the penis, special preparations are used, before using which it is recommended to consult a specialist.
You can inject hyaluronic acid. However, this technique often causes side effects. The drug is injected into a section of the penis that you want to enlarge or along the length. Manipulation is performed with preliminary anesthesia of the penis.
Mechanical fixtures
Can the diameter be increased with mechanical devices? Of course, yes, but it is worth considering that such devices will not be cheap.
- An extensor is widespread, which mechanically stretches the tissues of the penis. The body fills the resulting voids by increasing cell division in those areas. The principle of work is similar to the Elizarov apparatus. The extender has a round holder, a ring, a stop, a metal rod and a push ring. The tension force is regulated by the rod. The appliance is used for 7-8 hours a day. Systematic use allows you to lengthen the penis by 3-5 cm and increase the diameter by 1-1. 5 cm.
- Another mechanical device is the vacuum. It is necessary to place the penis in a special pump. After an erection, blood flow increases, a rapid rush of blood occurs to areas with reduced pressure, which creates conditions for an increase in the penis.
- A compact device is a stretcher, which is similar in principle to an extender. There is no discomfort during use. Can be worn under underwear. Stopping blood flow from the penis occurs from the impact of the erection rings. The duration of use does not exceed 30 minutes per day. The device helps to further stimulate the penis, increase erection.
Folk remedies
The massage is performed at home. The procedure is safe with respect to drugs and mechanical devices. In this case, it will be possible to increase the diameter by 1-2 cm.
However, it will not be possible to achieve such a result anytime soon. Sometimes, to see the first results, you need to have a massage for 6 or more months.
Enlarge the penis with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. In 200 ml of liquid, 1 tablespoon is diluted. L. fluidity. The procedure is carried out every 3 hours, lightly rubbing the product into the skin. The solution is also added to the trays. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
There are many recipes for traditional medicine. However, they are not always effective. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but you need to consult a doctor.